Turbinate Reduction Surgery Side-Effects

Turbinate Reduction Risks

Post-Nasal and Turbinate Reduction Risks, Physical Symptoms

      • Nose feels too empty/hollow/absent.
      • Diminished nasal airflow sensation feedback (‘paradoxical obstruction’).
      • Extreme sensation of dryness of the nasal cavities, with or without crusting.
      • Not enough moisture/mucus production.
      • Dryness of the pharynx, soft palate and back of the tongue (“dry pharyngitis” and “dry laryngitis”).
      • Feeling of needing more nasal resistance (or nasal membrane responsiveness) to breathe.
      • Increased pulmonary sensitivity to air-borne irritants, strong scents and cold air. Causes much uneasiness in breathing and sometimes even long-periods (can last hours) of severe shortness of breath, depending on the degree of exposure.
      • Diminished sense of smell and/or taste. Can be confusing – because although there is diminished sense of smell there is also hyper-responsiveness to light and volatile airborne chemicals, fumes and irritants.
      • Difficulty projecting or resonating speech. The voice seems weak and requires some straining to sound loud and articulate well, which causes uneasiness in speech.
      • Feeling weak and depleted of energy.
      • Very poor quality of sleep. Not necessarily full sleep apnea, but shallow and dry breathing, which often switches entirely to mouth breathing only, waking up a lot very dry, with headaches, severe dizziness and very little REM sleep.
      • Relatively dry skin and eyes.
      • Extremely thick mucous and post-nasal drip.
      • Difficulty swallowing due to post-nasal drip.
      • Chronic Sinusitis.
      • Worsening of pre surgical nasal symptoms, such as allergic rhinitis, etc.
      • Epistaxis.
      • Rhinitis.
      • Foul smell from nasal cavities.
      • Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD).
      • Elevated levels of blood pressure.
      • Hormonal and metabolic imbalances.
      • Significant weight gain.

Post-Nasal and Turbinate Reduction Risks, Cognitive Symptoms

      • Difficulty concentrating (‘aprosexia nasalis’).
      • Difficulty performing mental tasks.

Post-Nasal and Turbinate Reduction Risks, Emotional Symptoms

    • Marked reduction in sense of self and very crippled sense of well-being.
    • Irritated and/or depressed mood. Often clinical depression.
    • Anxieties.
    • Avoidance of social interactions.